(Posted on: June 11, 2015 by David McMillin)
[NOTE: While serving as mentor for an online version of “A Search For God” study group and working on the "In God's Presence" lesson, a class member shared how much she “loved the affirmation in this chapter but am not sure I understand what is meant by 'Glorify Thee'. How does the presence of God in my brother allow me to 'Glorify Thee' and vice versa?” She noted that during meditation she experiences the "renewing power" as described in the ASFG text for this lesson. Here is my reply. – David McMillin
Yes, you have an awareness of the inner aspect of God's presence in meditation as described in the ASFG text. With that renewing power you may experience PEACE and JOY – which is also associated with the outer experience of God's presence as we relate to others in our daily life:
“The consciousness that He walks and talks with us, and that His promises are ever present, brings abiding peace. This makes for joy in service … Joy does not come through service that benefits self. One that serves through kind words, thoughts, or deeds, gives of oneself, even as He, the Master.” (ASFG, Experiencing the Abiding Presence)
The joy of service is an expression of Christ Spirit. The abiding peace that comes with the awareness of Oneness with God and others is an expression of Christ Consciousness, as we seen in the previous lesson. Thus peace and joy are hallmarks of opening the door and experiencing God's presence, whether in meditation or in our relations with others in the midst of life. There are energy patterns associated with this process (as will be discussed below).
In my experience, I find myself using the same mantra in meditation as I do in daily life: “Praise God, Alleluia!” In meditation, I find it helpful in opening the centers and raising the life-force energy, culminating in bursts of light in my head and a deep sense of peace and joy. I have discussed this in a series of replies in a previous ASFG session:
Simplicity, Joy, Light During Meditation
With regard to Glory, within that resource pay particular attention to the excerpt from reading 281-28 that discusses the “CROWN of light” and “rivers of light.” This pertains to your question about Glory in relationship to others.
I find myself using that same mantra (Praise God, Alleluia!) many times in daily life with the same feeling of PEACE and JOY – and a sense of God's abiding presence. This may be in relation to others; in the experience of the Divine in nature; and even in simple activities (such as eating) where I express gratitude. Thus daily life becomes a meditation in itself. I think of it as “mindfulness meditation” (that can supplement and enhance the experience of deep meditation).
The inner and outer experience of God's presence are linked by a consciousness, an awareness of ONENESS with God, which even extends to others (because they are part of God as well). This is a portion of the answer to your question about Glory in relationship with others (and vice versa).
You may find it helpful to skip ahead to the lesson on Glory (ASFG II) to get a sense of how this relates to God's presence and the experience of light (which is also relevant to the next lesson on the "Crown of Glory"). The video overview is short and you can find it here.
In ASFG, Glory is about the manifestation of Divine energy (Spirit). As we develop more of a consciousness of ONENESS with God, we raise the vibration of energy within ourselves and affect others (and vice versa). That ONENESS brings Glory to the Whole that is God.
It is a definite EXPERIENCE. Some can see the energy patterns (as auras). I don't see auras, but I do sense the Energy (Creative Energy or God Force) in myself and others (and in nature). That is a sign (or witness) of God's presence. We can experience it in both meditation and in daily living with others – God within and without. There are many in this group who use this sense (or for whom it is very close). It is an awareness that is our birthright as souls. It is part of our awareness of God's abiding presence.
Hope this makes sense and is practical in your Search for God. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Dave